In partnership with the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP), the Institute of Pharmacovigilance is developing global competency standards for a wide range of pharmacovigilance roles. Each standard defines the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected from a specific PV role.

PV Career Framework
Together with the ISoP Special Interest Group ‘PV Professional Qualification Framework’, Institute of Pharmacovigilance is developing Career Framework to describe what roles, types of jobs and career ladders there are in the industry, universities, and regulatory authorities, that one can consider for their career development.
Below, you will find the latest working version:
Global Competency Standards
In partnership with International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP) and building on the PV Career Framework, the Institute of Pharmacovigilance is developing competency standards for a wide range of pharmacovigilance roles. Each standard defines the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected from a specific PV role.
Below, you will find all the currently published competency standards:

Public Consultations
Following documents are currently in the development and we always welcome your comments and input. Please, have a look and submit your comments via email to
Thank you for your contribution to the pharmacovigilance profession!
Current Workplan

Career Framework
- Definition of roles and seniority in pharmacovigilance career
- September 2021 (draft version)
- Publication in Q2 2023

Competence Framework
- Definition of required knowledge, skills and attitudes for a role and seniority
- June 2022 (1st role standard produced)
- 2023 - standards for additional 10+ roles under development

Professional Certification
- Testing Competence of candidates for a particular role and seniority
- June 2022 - Pilot PV Awareness certification
- April 2023 - Official launch of PV Awareness certification
- August 2023 - First role-based certification available